Wednesday, April 5, 2023

What is english gematria

english gematria is a system for assigning numerical values to words, phrases, and other forms of written language. It is a form of numerology that has been used for centuries to unlock hidden meanings in the Bible and other sacred texts. The term "gematria" comes from the Greek word "gematria,"which means "learning by numbers."

Gematria has been used throughout history for both religious and occult purposes. In Judaism, gematria is used to interpret Torah texts. Ancient Egyptians also believed that specific numbers held hidden power and meaning. Early Christians explicitly used gematria to decode hidden messages within the Bible – particularly in identifying elements of the Kabbalah in the New Testament. Additionally, some cultures in the Middle East have linkages between words and the numerical values attributed to them by ancient scribes of Predynastic Egypt more than 65 centuries ago.

In English Gematria, each letter of the English alphabet is assigned a number value ranging from 1–9. Depending on how they are combined together, each combination produces an associated numerical value or "pace" with different meanings based on its set number pattern. This allows us to explore words already familiar to us in a different light by examining what kinds of numerical values or combinations may be derived from them. For instance, take the word "love:" it will equate numerically to 56 when we save four letters representing four separate numbers (12+15+21+8; L=12; O=15; V=21; E=8). By establishing such a numerical value for every word or phrase one can begin deciphering which energies associate with each number: it can reve al patterns outside what we usually recognize as language and strive towards deeper truths about our individual lives as well as an understanding of archetypal patterns alluding concepts such as love, fate and destiny.

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